The Champaign Park District is here to connect you to a vibrant community of people and opportunities. Our mission is to enhance our community’s quality of life through positive experiences in parks, recreation, and cultural arts.
The Champaign Park District is a special district of local government with its own financial and legal responsibilities. It is governed by five elected residents of Champaign who give their services to the community. The Park Board holds its regular meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm and study sessions on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:30 pm at the Bresnan Meeting Center, 706 Kenwood Road. Residents are invited to attend and are welcome to make suggestions or comments to improve programs or facilities.
The Champaign Park District’s 62 parks total over 700 acres. Fourteen facilities are available for a wide variety of recreational opportunities.
The mission of the Champaign Park District is to enhance our community’s quality of life through positive experiences in parks, recreation, and cultural arts.
The Champaign Park District strives to be the leader in parks, recreation, and cultural arts by providing and promoting safe and outstanding experiences and facilities; generating outstanding value for all residents.
- Staff Excellence
- Stewardship
- Organizational Excellence
- Innovation
- Customer Service
- Diversity, Opportunity, and Inclusion
- Collaboration
Visit our Evaluation & Planning page for our full Strategic Plan (2022-2025) and more.
More About Us
Illinois Distinguished Accredited Agency, 2024-2029
The Champaign Park District is one of a select group of agencies to be awarded Illinois Distinguished Accreditation. The goal of the Illinois Distinguished Accreditation program is to improve the delivery of recreation services to the residents of Illinois through a voluntary comprehensive evaluation process. The desired result is to improve the quality of life for Illinois residents and to recognize those agencies that provide this quality service. More information and 2018 press release here.
Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award, 2017
The GFOA established the Distinguished Budget Presentation Awards Program (Budget Awards Program) in 1984 to encourage and assist state and local governments to prepare budget documents of the very highest quality that reflect both the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOAs best practices on budgeting and then to recognize individual governments that succeed in achieving that goal. Documents submitted to the Budget Awards Program are reviewed by selected members of the GFOA professional staff and by outside reviewers with experience in public-sector budgeting.
National Recreation and Park Association Gold Medal Award Winning Agency, 1979, 1990, 1998, and 2023
The Gold Medal Award honors communities throughout the United States that demonstrate excellence in long-range planning, resource management, and agency recognition. Each agency is judged on its ability to address the needs of those it serves through the collective energies of citizens, staff, and elected officials. The Gold Medal Award Program includes seven classes: five classes based upon population, one class for armed forces recreation and one class for state park systems in odd numbered years. A panel of five parks and recreation professionals reviews and judges all application materials. Judges are chosen for their considerable experience and knowledge in parks and recreation on both local and national levels.
Park District Risk Management Agency, Level A Accreditation
The Champaign Park District is a member of the Park District Risk Management Agency, a self-insured group. Accreditation is PDRMA’s highest award. To earn Level A Accreditation, the highest accreditation level possible, an agency’s audit must score at 95% or higher. The agency must also meet certain loss-related criteria to achieve or maintain accreditation. The Park District’s most recent score was a 99.2% and covered key areas such as aquatics, park maintenance and recreation.

Ellis & Associates International Aquatic Safety & Risk Management Consultants, Aquatic Safety Awards
The Champaign Park District’s lifeguard staff is proud to have received multiple Platinum and Gold International Aquatic Safety Awards from Jeff Ellis and Associates. These awards recognize top Ellis client facilities around the world for their excellence in aquatic risk management, lifeguard operations, and lifeguard skill.