Leonhard Recreation Center
Having trouble viewing the PDF viewer? Click below to view LRC’s open gym schedule!
Open gym is for members and non-members. Non-members may pay daily rate of $8. Military Discount: $6.
Open gym hours will be posted every other week. Please check the open gym schedule for designated Basketball, Pickleball, and Volleyball times. Open gym requires a second pair of shoes. Patrons are encouraged to bring their own equipment, but a limited number of basketballs and other equipment is available by request.
- All non-member day pass participants must create a park district household account (if they do not already have one) by filling out a Day Pass Form. The account must be created by an adult/parent/guardian on their first visit. All day pass participants must have a valid photo ID except children supervised by parents.
- Open gym participants 11-17 years old in Middle School and High School may participate without parental supervision, but must have a valid Day Pass Form on file.
- Elementary school children and younger must be supervised by a parent to participate in open gym.
Martens Center
Having trouble viewing the PDF viewer? Click below to view Marten Center’s open gym schedule!
Open gym is for members and non-members. Non-members may pay daily rate of $8. Military Discount: $6.
All members and day pass holders who are in middle school, and older, may participate in open gym without adult supervision but are REQUIRED to provide a current school ID, license, or state ID to participate.
All children in elementary school and younger are REQUIRED to be supervised by an adult and the adult must provide ID.
Open gym requires a second pair of shoes. Patrons are encouraged to bring their own equipment, but some equipment may be available to borrow with a photo ID or your membership key fob.