2304 W Kirby Ave
Champaign, IL
Champaign, IL
Open Dawn to Dusk (nearby facilities may be open past Dusk)
Bound by Kirby Ave., Crescent Dr., John St., & Kenwood Rd.
- Lindsay Tennis Center
- Pickleball Complex
- Portable toilets available year-round.
- 8 Pickleball Courts
- Lindsay New American Gardens – a gift from Donald & Helen Lindsay
- “Monumental Fun Time” sculpture by Paul Anderson
- Bottles For A Century Time Capsule | Buried: November 9, 1977; Remove: November 9, 2077
- “Hippos” sculpture by Jim Gladney (in Sholem Aquatic Center)
- FREE Wi-Fi (near Sholem Aquatic Center and Leonhard Recreation Center)
- Interested in renting the park or a pavilion? Check out our rentals page!
About Centennial Park
- Obtained in 1959
- Acres: 69.6
- Donors: Purchase $161,809 1958 Bond Issue
- Additions: 61 Acres – several land exchanges have been made since the initial acquisition
- Land exchange (portion of Centennial Park for leased school land in Morrissey Park) – -5.346 Acres – Unit 4 School District
Pickleball Complex
2203 W. John Street (Centennial Park)
Our 8-Court Pickleball Complex is open to the public daily. No membership required!
More About the Pickleball Complex:
- Water Fountains are turned off for winter mid-October and will be turned on in the spring. Please bring water with you.
- Parking:
- Along John Street | Daily
- Operations Parking Lot | Weekends Only (Violators will be towed Monday-Friday)
- Not lighted.
- More is on the way:
- Accessible Porta-Potty (Week of October 5)
- Windscreens
- Kiosk
- and more!
Pickleball Court Rules:
- No bicycles, skates, skateboards, in-line skates, hockey, or other activities permitted.
- No pets are allowed on courts.
- Please do not adjust nets. Sitting, pushing, or pulling on nets is prohibited.
- No dark-soled or street shoes are allowed on courts. Only tennis shoes may be worn
- No ball playing of any kind other than pickleball is permitted.
- If others are waiting, limit single play to 1 hour and doubles to 1.5 hours.
- Debris should be placed in the trash receptacles provided.
- Champaign Park District programs have first priority for court use.
- No private instruction or classes are allowed without written permission from the Champaign Park District.
- Players are requested to observe pickleball etiquette at all times and be considerate of players on adjoining courts.
- Loud music and abusive language are not permitted.
- Opened October 5, 2022 at 12p
Lindsay New American Gardens
601 N Country Fair Dr. (Centennial Park)
Location: 2214 Sangamon Drive (Centennial Park) (Directions)
Bus Line: Brown & Blue
Lindsay New American Gardens features ornamental grass groupings and specimens mixed with perennial flowers on a large scale. This concept results in an informal, flowing style with year round interest as the garden changes with the seasons.
- The gardens are part of Centennial Park and were developed following the addition of the Lindsay Tennis Center.
- Designed in 1986 and developed in 1987.
- A gift from Donald & Helen Lindsay.
- Renovated in 2010.