2310 S Rising Rd
Champaign, IL
Champaign, IL
Open Dawn to Dusk
2310 S. Rising Rd.
Rising Rd. & Windsor Rd.
About Porter Park:
- Established: 2003
- Total Acres: 38.2
- Porter Family Park Path: 1.71 miles
- Acquisition: 26 acres purchased from the Porter Family
- Donors: Acquisition funds plus 13 acres donated by Urbana-Champaign Sanitary District
- Grants: 2003: $257,400 IDNR LWCF acquisition; 2007: $342,300 IDNR OSLAD development Phase I; 2011: $400,000 IDNR OSLAD development Phase II
Porter Park Features:
- Portable toilets open year-round.
- “Flamenco Revisited” sculpture by Ruth Aizuss Migdal
- Natural Area
Robert C. Porter Family Park is the first natural areas park in Champaign providing passive recreational opportunities and eventually environmental education programs. The first phase of this project is complete and features a loop walking trail, 300 trees, a small shelter, a pond, grass and native plantings. The primary power lines along Rising Road will be buried, making a much more cosmetically appealing appearance for the park.
Native Prairie
Porter Park is also home to a restored prairie area. This prairie area, like those at Scott Park, Sunset Ridge Park, and Heritage Park, is kept healthy through the use of careful prescribed burns.
Place Categories ParksPlace Tags bicycle path, floral display, grills, nature area, parking, path/sidewalk, pavilions, picnic tables, playground equipment, portable toilets, restored prairie, restrooms, sculptures/monuments, and trail in park