A local gem and a piece of history is just around the corner. Here are some highlights of what Virginia Theatre offers.
1463 Seats, 18 wheelchair accommodations.
With great seats and great accommodations for wheelchairs and hearing impaired, Virginia Theatre is your home for theatre, music performances, comedy, movies, and more. Choose your seat, in your Virginia.
3 steps to a Series Subscription.
Choose your seats, choose your shows, call or visit Virginia Theatre to secure your tickets.
12 Series Subscription shows.
Get the best price when you select at least 4 shows, and get extra perks! With acts like Grace Potter, Nick Offerman, Ricky Scaggs, and the MOTH Radio Hour hitting our stage, you’re sure to find the perfect combination of entertainment.
44 FREE movies.
Purchase a Series Subscription of at least 6 shows or more, and get access to all of our News Gazette and Reel Deal movies for free!
35/70-mm projectors.
The two Norelco AA II projectors come equipped with twin motors, one for normal 24 frame-per-second films and one for the 30-fps speed used only on the first two Todd AO films. Watch movies with projected with a rare piece of history.
0 hidden fees.
There are no extra processing fees, no premiums or mailing fees, no commitment to shows you can’t make it to. It’s just the best deal on the best experiences for you!