In order for this form to be valid, it must be filled out correctly.
Buddy Forms allow two individuals to participate on the same sports team.
- Coach’s children can be listed on a buddy form.
- Siblings in the same program will be automatically placed together.
- This form can be used for two participants only.
- Both families must fill out a Buddy Form listing the other participant as his/her friend. Example: John Smith fills out a a Buddy Form listing Jane Doe as his friend. Jane must also fill out a Buddy form listing John as her friend. If either John or Jane lists anyone else as a buddy, Jane and John will not be buddies.
- All Buddy Forms must be turned in prior to the registration deadline.
- In order to accommodate the requests to play with buddies, there is no guarantee that any participant completing the Buddy Form will play on the same team from the previous season.
- Buddy Forms are only used for Youth Soccer and Youth Hoops leagues.
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